Monday, August 12, 2013

Underwater and Underground Bases (ILL of the day)

Several years ago Captain ILL shared an underwater base with Aquaman for several months. It seemed a perfect match at first since The Captain is a strong swimmer, but mostly because the rent was low. Unfortunately Aquaman always had his fishy friends dropping by at all hours, often devouring the good Captain's Cheetos without asking. Now Captain ILL is a tolerant man, especially for someone who can shoot laser bolts out of his eyeballs, but even he has his limits and when a visiting megalodon chewed the arm off his teddy bear The Captain had had enough. He immediately gave notice and hasn't spoken to the King of the Seven Seas since.

After that fiasco he decided on an underground base for his next headquarters. Lacking proper permits, he was forced to work in secret and with the help of the nefarious mole-men (who owed him a favor), he dug out a nice base complete with danger room and walk-in freezer. The rent is cheap since he excavated under the home of a pal of his. He neglected to ask this pal first, which seems rude to me but superheroes live by their own code.

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