Friday, March 30, 2012

Electricity One-Seven (ILL of the day)

Captain ILL already knows everything he needs to know about electricity: that it mostly comes out of tiny holes in the wall, and that it really hurts when hurled from the fingertips of Electro the Master of Electricity. Even so he took the time to flip through this electricity textbook but instead of pages and pages of stylized lightning bolts it was filled with strange little diagrams and words like "Thermionic Generator", "Resonant Transformer Vectors", and "Cascode Amplifiers". Long time readers will know that this sort of thing gives The Captain a headache, so that was the extent of his education in electricity.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Hungry Thing (ILL of the day)

Being a famous superhero, Captain ILL has the inside track on superhero habits and quirks. For example, in order to fuel all their various superpowers they need to consume vast quantities of food and drink. Seeing this book reminded The Captain of the time he and The Thing patronized an International House of Pancakes late one night after trouncing some miscreants who had been littering in the park. No doubt all of the Captain's readers are familiar with IHOP's all you can eat pancakes for $4.99 deal. Well the reason that deal was discontinued was because of a mythical night when a very hungry Thing and an even hungrier Captain ILL sat down at the bar and proceeded to gobble their way through hundreds of delicious pancakes.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Leonardo: The Artist and the Man (ILL of the day)

Captain ILL took a quick preview of this book this morning (meaning he skipped to the picture insert in the middle) and expressed great admiration for the paintings he found. He then flipped to the back cover to read a few of the blurbs and discovered that Leonardo apparently wrote a bunch of notebooks. The Captain, being a notebooker himself, was even more impressed with this. Apparently he's been a great fan of the work of Leonardo ever since he joined the cast of Growing Pains in the seventh season, but never knew about all his additional talents.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Discovery of the Amazon (ILL of the day)

Captain ILL is a big Internets shopper, and ever since getting an Amazon Prime membership he shops there all the time. He's very impressed with the way those mighty Amazon warriors have put aside their loathing of mankind to deliver inexpensive products in a timely manner. Here's a sample of his recent purchases: ginger root capsules (to combat car sickness while riding in the back seat of the Batmobile), a bottle of Hempz herbal moisturizer (The Captain gets dry hands during the winter), and a salad spinner (even superheroes need to eat their vegetables). Even though Wonder Woman still won't give Captain ILL the time of day, he's still grateful for the discovery of the Amazon.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

High Pressure Boilers (ILL of the day)

When Captain ILL saw High Pressure Boilers (4th Edition), he was reminded of his old pal Boilerman who gained his superpowers after accidentally falling into a high pressure boiler. Instead of killing him instantly as it would an ordinary person, the intense heat and pressure compressed him to the size of a largish grape. After that, he could withstand any pressure, no matter how intense, so he got a job manning the Justice League complaint line. No doubt that's such a high stress job due to the incredible number of calls with complaints about that arrogant jerk Superman.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The 100 (ILL of the day)

When "The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons In History" crossed the Captain's desk, he was far too modest to think he would be in the number one spot. He supposed that he would probably place around third or fourth so he was stupefied when he couldn't find any mention of himself anywhere in this 556 page book. Some fella named "Isaac Newton" grabbed second place and a "Jesus Christ" came in third. Even Ernest Rutherford (presumably the father of Lumpy on Leave It to Beaver) gets the number 56 spot. However, Captain ILL can take solace in the fact that at least that ratfink Superman didn't make the cut either.