Monday, June 30, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL is a big fan of Jedi Knights; they're a lot like superheroes, only fictional. The Fight for Truth is a book in the Jedi Apprentice series, which is set in the Star Wars universe; though if you didn't know that, there's no point reading any further. Captain ILL will summarize the summary on the back cover: some Jedi go to a planet and kick some ass. In fact, that probably pretty much summarizes all of the Star Wars books, movies, video games, and so on. Not that there's anything wrong with this, because when the Jedi kick ass, they do it in a very entertaining way, with all sorts of jumping and dodging and waving of light sabers, and when they're finished, you're not only astounded that they managed to smite all the bad guys, but they also managed to not slice themselves to ribbons in the process. Which brings us to Captain ILL's latest poll. All the cool kids will be voting in it, don't you want to be one of them?

Friday, June 27, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Some people think that belief is important. The authors of Prisoners of Belief: Exposing and Changing Beliefs that Control Your Life probably could be numbered among them. Apparently, "Restricting negative beliefs can imprison you behind bars of conviction." Captain ILL doesn't believe anything, though some people don't believe that he doesn't believe anything. He does know a few things (very few), but belief doesn't play a large role in that. The Captain used to think that faith was the answer, and all he had to do was work on getting himself some of that. Now he's not so sure; he suspects that belief and faith may actually inhibit true understanding, but he's a superhero, not a philosopher, so he'll leave those conundrums to the professionals. Are there any philosophers out there reading this?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL prefers books with pictures. Books can't have too many pictures as far as he's concerned. In fact, a book with only pictures, perhaps with a thought bubble now and then, would be just about perfect. Twilight is a book with just pictures. I has an introduction, but no thought bubbles. The pictures are very strange, and many of them involve people with no clothes on. From the bookflap: "These enigmatic photographs catch the mysterious moment of time between before and after, revealing unknowable or unimaginable aspects of domestic reality." Unknowable is right. Captain ILL would characterize a couple dozen stacks of bread slices varying from 3 to 10 feet high in somebody's yard as unknowable, though not unimaginable since somebody had to come up with the idea for it to be in this book.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Unlike Milo Bloom, Captain ILL never had a boyhood crush on Betty Crocker, but he sure was enamored of her Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cake (page 38). Paging briefly through this book (Betty Crocker's Bisquick Cookbook) he sees all sorts of delicious delights. Like Hot Dogs 'n' Crescents (page 278) or Personalized Peanut Butter Pancakes (page 272). There's even a recipe for plain old biscuits (page 94). Obviously, the Captain is going to have to stop on the way home and pick up a box of Bisquick.

# 17 hahmot & Second Life

En voi elää toisen elämää, ja pidän elävät todellisessa maailmassa, tai niin lähellä approksimaatiota kuin voin hallita.

Here I am on viileä, silloinkin kun maailma on tuhoutunut noin minua.

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

# 16 aplikacji i narzędzi internetowych

google docs i ZOHO były fajne.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL isn't sure about everyone out there reading this, but sometimes he experiences a difficult moment or two in his life. That's where books like Never Mind: Inspiring Words For Life's Difficult Moments come in handy. No need to read it cover to cover, you can just flip through when you're experiencing a difficult moment and find an appropriate passage. Each page has a photo of an animal on one side, and a bit of wisdom on the other. For example The snowy owl says: "If you were happy every day of your life you wouldn't be a human being, you'd be a game show host." Who among us hasn't dreamed of being a game show host? A pair of cheetahs say: "A good scare is worth more than good advice." If this last one is true, then Bowlingwidow must have learned a lot from H.R. Puff n' Stuff.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

How to Hide Things In Public Places seems to have limited usefulness for upright citizens like Captain ILL. Here's an example from chapter one of why you might need the techniques in this book: "Your buddy runs up to you in the street and throws a gun into your hands. In a panic he whispers, "I did something bad," and runs off into the night. Footsteps are coming around the corner, and suddenly you realize you've been left holding the gun." Obviously, the thing to do in this situation, is to grab your "buddy" and calmly explain to him why the proper course of action would be for him to turn himself in to the proper authorities, possibly followed by a bit of fisticuffs with the thugs chasing him. This is obviously not the the method favored by the author of this book, but sometimes, in the fight against injustice, it can be helpful to learn more about how the injusticers go about their business. For example, many people know that things like guns can be hidden in toilets, but they might not also realize that things can also be hidden under sinks, and in soap and paper towel dispensers. So check out this book and the next time you find yourself shaking down some street punk, you may be able to avoid beating up the poor fellow, and go right to the goodies yourself!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sergeant ILL reporting for duty!

So, Captain ILL is off kicking some evil doer's posterior, and his trusty sidekick Joe is busy doing Joe stuff, like mixing up a batch of Yucca's. Or maybe he's practicing his karaoke skills for next month? That leaves me in charge! Down to business...

So, I had three possibilities for the ILL of the day. First one to catch my eye was Plea of Insanity: Some fear madness. Some choose it... How fantastic is that title? But, I couldn't just pick the first one. Keep looking I said. Next up, an article request. Well, the patron had really requested the book, but Lehigh University Library made a judgment call and just photocopied the whole thing. The patron gets to keep it...What a deal! I might have to make a photocopy of the photocopy. I know some folks who might need some of this info. Dipsomania. Dr. D'Unger's cinchona rubra cure for drunkenness--continuous or periodical. What it is! How it was discovered! What it has done!... Okay, were you as impressed as I was with all the exclamation marks in that title? And, how does the good Doc thing a drunk is going to read this? Those words made me feel like I had sipped a couple of Joe's Yucca's. Dr. D'Unger has come to the conclusion that "those weaklings affected with headaches after drinking rarely become drunkards." The cure you ask??? Cinchona Rubra of course. Important side note... this book is from 1879.

Okay, Okay, the winner of today's ILL...

Zoomers Revisited: Where are they now?
ZOOMer's revisited takes some people (not groovelily) back to carefree youthful days when they would watch those Zoomer's, and sing a long (hopeful not into a beer bottle) "come on and zoom, zoom, zoom-a zoom..." From the back of the book: "Hub-i frub-ends! Remember Box 3-5-0? Striped shirts? Stained glass cookies? Bernadette's wavy arms? They were all part of ZOOM, the PBS phenomenon from the 70's that captured viewer's attention by paying them attention- they wrote the show!"

Personally, I really didn't like this show, but a certain non-bowling Joe did. I think it might be because there was a Joe on the show (the small kid with the British accent). Oddly, non-bowling Joe and I just had a conversation about Zoom, in which I couldn't recall the show and non-bowling Joe was able to sing the theme song to jog my memory (really, I remembered, but Joe is always good for a theme song or two). So, if you want to catch up on all the characters, or at least what they were doing in 1998, give non-bowling Joe a call. I'm sure he can fill you in on all the details.

Non-bowling Joe owes me an hour of overtime. Or a yucca. Thank goodness I don't have to do this everyday!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Tomorrow, Captain ILL will not be available to present his usual tirade against injustice; apparently there is a great deal of evil that needs booting away to the east. Hopefully, Sergeant ILL will not be too busy and will be able to fill in.

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Thanks to Troisabeille for selecting today's ILL of the day: An Introduction to Planetary Defense: A Study of Modern Warfare Applied to Extra-Terrestrial Invasion addresses an issue very important to Captain ILL. Everyone knows that there are aliens out there that occasionally pick up people and give them superhuman powers. This sort of thing is acceptable, though Captain ILL suspects that they do a bit more poking and prodding than is strictly necessary. However, there are also aliens out there of the Bug-eyed Monster variety whose only desires include ringing our doorbells and running away, stealing our cookies, and laying waste to our cities. We can't rely on our superheroes to defend us either, since many of them are aliens themselves, and most of the rest spend too much time striking heroic poses for the television cameras. That's where this book comes in handy since it "offers a serious look at defending the planet in the event of an extra-terrestrial invasion". Everyone should read this book, if only so they can summarize it for Captain ILL who is much too busy to read it himself.


Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

The Cardboard Queen practically begged for The Bug Club to be selected as the ILL of the day, and Captain ILL has always had a soft spot for royalty, so here it is. The main character is a bug named Pug the Bug (he's the hipster bug pictured on the cover). He's the sort of slick, know-it-all dude that Captain ILL is constantly having to rescue from ridiculous predicaments. In the story, he gets himself trapped in a jug and, because Captain ILL is busy elsewhere, his fellow bug club cronies have to climb up a mug and a plug to rescue Pug the Bug from the jug. Then they all share a hug. Captain ILL can't help but be a bit disappointed with this ending. The Captain enjoys alliteration as much as the next person, but where is the evil mastermind? Where is the boot of justice? And most of all, where is the scene where the boot of justice meets the posterior of the evil mastermind? These are important elements of any story, and they aren't anywhere to be found in this one, even in metaphorical form. Oh well, perhaps Captain ILL should not have such high expectations of bugs.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bowling Joe

The Joes of the world have long been persecuted, ever since Joseph's jealous brothers threw him into a well in Genesis (see the previous post). So it's important for us Joes to stick together, and I'm proud to announce another Joe out there has started his own blog. Go check out Bowling Joe, or else!

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL used to have a small, but precious collection of Lego when he was young, but he doesn't remember any naked Adams or Eves among his little bricks. The Brick Testament: Stories From the Book of Genesis tells various bible stories from a Lego point of view. In the introduction the author tells the story of how he was visited by God, who commanded him to illustrate the bible using Lego. Here's part of their conversation:

"But I'm an atheist," I protested.

"Then you are especially unqualified to question me!" came the response. "Now get to work!"

Now Captain ILL is not especially religious. In fact, as mentioned in an earlier post, he believes that the universe was created when it was sneezed out of the nose of the Great Green Arkleseizure. However, a cursory glance through this book makes it clear that many of these stories are not suitable for children. Fratricide, genocide, filicide: many of the more popular forms of violence are well represented here, so check it out boys and girls!

Interlibrary Loan of yesterday

Fear of Writing addresses a fear common among superheroes. The popular image of the typical superhero doesn't include fears of any sort, but most hide the shameful secret that they are terrified of writing. This is why Captain ILL has Joe do all his writing for him. This is why Peter Parker takes lots of pictures, but doesn't write any articles. Of course that conceited jerk Superman goes out of his way to show off the fact that he's not afraid of writing by being a newspaper reporter in his secret identity. Drat! Why does that blue and red pretty boy get all the cool superpowers?! It's obvious why he gets the lion's share of the media attention ... he's always writing articles about himself! It's not fair! Captain ILL is always out there fighting for justice, but what good is being able to shoot laser beams out of your eyes, if nobody notices? Somebody needs to take Superman down a notch or two, and Captain ILL is just the man to do it! It turns out that you can get kryptonite on ebay, so watch out you big blue %$&@!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Non-Interlibrary Loan of the day

Everything Scrabble is not an ILL; Captain ILL found it in the Sno-Isle Libraries' catalog. However, since Scrabble is very near and dear to the Captain's heart, and Scrabble-themed ILLs are extremely rare, he felt an exception could be made in this instance. Unfortunately, Captain ILL is no G.I. Joel; Scrabble-playing is not among his many superpowers. In fact, losing a game of Scrabble is not an unusual occurrence for the poor Captain. It may seem strange that Captain ILL would enjoy something so much that he's not very good at, but he is so very good at so many other things, like catching schoolbuses that have fallen off bridges, or rescuing kittens from trees, that it's good to be reminded that he is, after all, only human; albeit with a splendid array of superhuman powers. So Captain ILL will continue to take late night drives down lonely highways hoping that he will be picked up by a UFO and granted the Scrabble skills that he so clearly deserves; that certainly seems easier than reading this book.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Crochet Bags! 15 Hip Projects For Carrying Your Stuff is one of those clever books shaped like its subject, in this case a crochet bag. Now Captain ILL isn't quite sure what crochet is (it appears to have something to do with yarn), but he's always considered himself pretty hip, and he's got all sorts of secret high-tech gadgets that he needs to carry around at all times. He usually uses the old superhero standby, the utility belt, to carry all that stuff, but he also desperately wants to remain hip, so he's thinking that it may be time to switch to a crochet bag. The trouble is, that none of the bags in this book seem to be designed for carrying things like grapple hooks, disintegration rays, and shark repellent. Isn't it time that someone designed a crochet bag for the superhero on the go?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

# 15 hakukoneet

Ainoa ero voisin löytää hakukoneet on, että dogpile tuntui todella hidasta. Google on vain hienosti minulle.

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Everyone knows that you can use your eyes for seeing things with, but did you also know that they can also be used for activating sensory memory channels? This doesn't really have anything to do with this book, but the "Eyes" in Diamonds Behind My Eyes reminded Captain ILL of it. In fact, the Captain isn't even sure what "activating sensory memory channels" means, and it makes him very nervous to think that his eyeballs are doing this sort of thing without his permission. Someone once said "if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out", and it must have been somebody important that said it, since Captain ILL would not be likely to remember it otherwise. In any case, Captain ILL won't be doing any eye-plucking out, because without his eyes, where would he shoot the laser beams from?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL loves justice, and part of what makes justice just, is blame. Generally speaking, most of the world's troubles can be blamed on things like evil megalomaniacs, death rays, and UFOs. However, Captain ILL now has something else to point the steely finger of blame at: mercury amalgam fillings. It's All In Your Head: The Link Between Mercury Amalgams and Illness posits the idea that the fillings in our teeth are responsible for many of the health issues faced by the modern man and woman. Everyone knows that dentists rate just above lawyers and Dick Cheney on the evil scale, but filling our teeth with poisonous metal is hitting a new low! Now some groovy folks out there have perfect teeth with no cavities, but what about the rest of us? Well, Captain ILL isn't planning on removing all the mercury amalgam fillings in his mouth, but he is planning on blaming them for all his future failings.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

The Runner's Handbook is "The essential fitness handbook for beginning and intermediate runners." Speaking of runners, Captain ILL's old drinking crony, the Flash, is quite a runner. Once when the Flash had had a few boilermakers, he challenged Captain ILL to a foot race. Now Captain ILL is no slouch in the speed department himself, and he judged he might have a chance since the Flash had a few under his belt. So there was the whole "ready, set, go!" thing and the race was on. Captain ILL figured he was correct in his assessment of the Flash's state of inebriation since the Captain kept ahead as he wound through the city streets, though he didn't dare look back in case he lost his lead. So imagine his consternation when he got to the finish line only to find the Flash waiting for him. That cheater claimed that he had taken the "long" route and had run all the way around the world. Well, even if Captain ILL had been naive enough to buy that tall tale, it still didn't change the fact that the Flash had left the race course and was thus disqualified. The argument went on and on until the Flash ran back in time and prevented Captain ILL's parents from ever meeting, and thus stopped him from ever being born. You can probably guess that mess took awhile to straighten out. The moral of the story? Don't race with speedsters, they're all cheaters!

# 14 Podcasting: något för alla

Jag bara verkade snubblar från en konstig podcast till en annan. Jag har registrerat dig för ett konto med Mevio och sökte ämnet biblioteket. Jag hittade några podcasts som utförts av Emory Libraries "Woodruff Bibliotek Survival Guide". När jag fick tidigare chockbeskedet med bara ljud, ingen video, har jag försökt att lyssna på ett om myter av bibliotek och bibliotekarier. Tyvärr ljudet var för lågt om produktion och inga belopp på att vrida upp volymen skulle kunna ta upp det till där jag kunde bekvämt lyssna. Min nästa "sök efter biblioteket tog upp något som kallas" Dr Pus presenterar Library av levande döda ". Med underrubriken zombies inte kan läsa. Förhoppningsvis kan du. Nu med en titel som det man vet kommer blir han skyldig att vara konstig, men ibland en nyfikenhet (eller gruvan i alla fall) tenderar att köra om sitt sunda förnuft ... så jag lyssnade. Inget sätt för mig att beskriva låten jag hört här, men det räcker med att säga Dr Pus verkar ha många röster i hans huvud. Kanske han har dem arkiveras av Dewey decimaltal? eftersom jag inte kunde hitta någon hänvisning till en verklig biblioteket finns alls.

Nästa JAG beräknat jag skulle bara läsa noggrant platsen för att se vad jag kunde hitta, och den här gången jag sökte Video dem bara. Jag hittade en intressant videopodcast på att få ansökningar till din iPhone (vilket hade varit bra om jag hade en!), Och slutligen tittade på en ganska humoristisk en som kallas "Om Britney var min mamma". Kul låt och video som!

Mycket gillar YouTube, kan jag definitivt se hur podcasting kan vara ett mycket kraftfullt pedagogiska verktyg. Fler människor kan nås med denna metod, eftersom alla är gratis att titta på när de kan passa in det i deras planering. Nr med att vara någonstans vid en viss tidpunkt. Och det är möjligen sparas för all tid och evighet. Kul att tänka sig människor i framtiden titta på och lära om historien som den ovikta från dem som faktiskt levde det.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

10 Minute Life Lessons For Kids is packed with 52 games that will help teach kids things like courage, honesty, and kindness. Captain ILL wishes that this book was published in 1968 instead of 1998. His most vivid life lesson involved his parents stranding him in the middle of a desert with only a toothbrush, a packet of ketchup, and a can of Pepsi. Things were different in those days though; I doubt parents could get away with that kind of thing now unless they were celebrities. In any case, the life lessons in this book seem to be geared towards parents with a much softer hand, so you should be able to try them out without getting arrested.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Interlibrary Loans of the day

Something very strange happened in Captain ILL's secret lair today. A mere seven books appeared on the ILL cart today, which is strange enough, but using his supernatural skills of observation, the Captain was able to uncover a hidden link between all these books. Here are the titles:

Lead or get off the pot! : the seven secrets of a self-made leader

Seven words that can change the world : a new understanding of sacredness

The seven laws of money

Seven eggs

The seven lost secrets of success

Seven days in January : with the 6th SS-mountain division in Operation Nordwind

What the angel taught you : seven keys to life fulfillment

Now it's not obvious from the titles, but each of these books had the color blue somewhere on the cover. Isn't that weird? Is it possible that this could happen by accident, or are there sinister blue forces at work?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

# 13 възпр с Онлайн изображението Генератори

Каква шега! Това е доста готино нещата, които можете да направите с изображение генератори. Вярвам, че това е най-забавно е, тъй като аз започнах това Web2.0 неща. Докато онлайн I, открити тази снимка на бебето някой, които изглежда много запознат, но не мога да проведе доста които се. Може ли някой там да ми помогне?

# 12 užurbano Učitano i molba iz tvoje vjerno

Užurbano je prilično kul. Imao sam već instaliran Media konzole ... dobro, u redu, kapetan bolestan instaliran je za mene. Ja pokušao jillion puta i jednostavno nije mogao dobiti je surađivati. Čak i kapetan u lošem je teško vrijeme figuring out ono što je držite se. Ja sam slušao par knjige do sada, i moram reći, I like it. Mmmm .... morate zapamtiti da push pauzirati kada netko šetnje ili vas ostaviti vaš radni stol, ali osim toga, to je veliko. Nisam mogao pronaći neke od točnog naslova i bio nadajući za, ali sam našao neki veliki zamjenika. Ja sam slušao samo ne-fikcija do sada. Ja sam nadajući da isprobate jedan fikcija knjigu uskoro.

Što ja ne voljeti najviše ... previše teško instalirati. Selekcija? Prilično dobra. Nemate omiljenih autora, tako da ne mogu komentirati. Svejedno iznenađenja? Nakon početnih poteškoća u instalaciju, bio sam zadovoljan što vidim da je lako preuzeti naslova u medijima konzole.

Mislim da ću ga koristiti mnogo.

Interlibrary Loan of Yesterday

Captain ILL had to go to the dentist yesterday, so the ILL of the day was delayed a bit. Yes, even superheroes have to go to the dentist, unless you have invulnerable teeth like that arrogant jerk Superman. ... And Jerry Mathers as "The Beaver" is the story of a young beaver who avoided the pitfalls of the typical child beaver star. His story is almost evocative of a certain Captain ILL; he even has a sinister nemesis in the form of Eddie Haskell who, while not as dangerous as a Lex Luthor or a Dr. Doom, is certainly just as nefarious. It's certainly refreshing to read the story of a young beaver who doesn't succumb to the dark side like all the other evil beavers out there. Bravo!