Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A new home for Captain ILL

While life has kept me far too busy to make any further progress in translating Captain ILL's diaries for public consumption, I have had many requests for status reports on the Captain's condition, as well as all the usual well wishes and condolences. As you can see from the photograph above, I have transferred the Captain's remains to a number of handy bottles with blue caps. The Captain was always very fond of the color blue, so I'm sure he would approve. Until some means can be found of un-liquidating Captain ILL, I'll continue to keep him in my fridge next to my ordinary water bottles that, while also having blue caps, are easily distinguishable since they have caps of a slightly lighter shade of blue.


Anonymous said...

At least we know where the Captain is at now. Think he'd mind if we froze a little bit of him and used him for ice in mixed drinks?

Captain ILL said...

Since I have no way of telling which bits of Captain are in each bottle, I think it would be best not to imbibe any of him in case something important is consumed. Besides, we'd have to change your name to CannibalJoe.

David said...

I suspect Captain ILL will not remain bottled up for long, genie-style.

Captain ILL said...

David, with all the mad scientists out there working night and day to restore the Captain to his proper form, I'm surprised that he's still a candidate for Bowlingjoe's margaritas.