Monday, January 5, 2009

ILL answer desk question #2

Dear ILL Answerman,

Can you tell me Captain ILL's credit card number?

Bill Board in Coffeyville Kansas


Certainly: 5861 8543 8108 8541. You didn't ask, but the expiry date is July 2009 and the security code is 935.

The ILL Answerman


Anonymous said...

I just used the card to order four high performance bowling balls. The Captain would approve since pins, by their nature, are evil and must be booted off the deck and into the waiting pit for recycling. And then the process is repeated. BowlingJoe's work is never done.

Captain ILL said...

I'm sure that Captain ILL, wherever he is, would approve. However, he would probably approve even more if you booted the pins with your boots instead of your balls.

Anonymous said...
