Friday, January 23, 2009

ILL answer desk question #9

Dear ILL Answerman,

What is the meaning of life?

Friedrich N. in Weimar, Germany


The meaning of life is life. A flower, a dog, a human being; there is meaning to be found in all of these. Unfortunately, meaning cannot be expressed in words, only pointed at. In fact, words can mislead as easily as they can enlighten. To make matters worse, you can't find meaning in the ideas behind words because they can only serve as pointers as well. The trouble with folks like you, Friedrich, is that you think too much, and not being able to escape your thoughts, you speak them out loud or write them down to create more and more thoughts in more and more people until we're all as nuts as you. So, to find meaning in life, a good first step is to stop asking questions like that ... besides, they give the Answerman headaches.

The ILL Answerman

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