Wednesday, January 7, 2009

ILL answer desk question #4

Dear ILL Answerman,

How do you know if a question is burning? And, if it truly was burning, wouldn't it be a pile of ash and you couldn't tell it was a burning question?

Angelique L. in Sno-Isleland


Like Captain ILL, the ILL Answerman wouldn't know a metaphor if it fell from the sky like Captain ILL's plunging credit rating and hit him in the head. Therefore, he has to assume that a burning question would actually be on fire. It wouldn't yet be a pile of ash since ash doesn't burn, it smolders. Thus it would be prudent to inscribe burning questions on a flame-resistant object to ensure that the Answerman has a chance to read them.

The ILL Answerman


Anonymous said...

So, basically, any question, when set on fire, on a flame-reistant product, of course, should be considered a flaming question and promptly answered?

Captain ILL said...

Sorry, the Answerman cannot make any guarantees as to a response's promptness. Questions will be answered in the order that they interest the Answerman.