Thursday, July 10, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Today's ILL of the day is dedicated to David, whose mother, we've been led to believe, spends much of her time in a rocking chair like the one on the cover of this book. You'll Like My Mother is about Francesca, a young pregnant woman without any family whose husband dies in the war. With nowhere else to go, she arrives at her mother-in-laws house. From the dustcover: "The eyes that regard Francesca are a curious pale gray, almost colorless. And the greeting she extends to her daughter-in-law is cold and unfriendly. Beyond the threshold another figure cowers against the wall: a babbling, feebleminded girl with wild dark hair whom the older woman presents as Francesca's sister-in-law." Captain ILL hasn't read this book, but this sounds extremely fishy to him. He doesn't think Francesca should stick around, but what do you think?


Anonymous said...

Francesca needs to run....and contact a network television excutive as soon as possible. A reality TV series is practically begging to be made here. A houseful of moonbat crazies translates into bonanza ratings these days.

If Francesca is smart, she'll negotiate a sweetheart deal with Rupert Murdoch, tape a full season worth of shows in four weeks, get on a jet and spend the rest of her days on the French Riviera with Johnny Depp, leaving "mother" to fend for herself with 15 feral cats and a case of Depends.

David said...

I am honored, Captain. Let me know when there's an opening for a ward.

With the ID tag partially obscuring the title, it's fun to make up alternates. My favorites so far are "Yell Like My Mother" and "Kill Like My Mother". Who's off their rocker NOW?

Captain ILL said...

Captain ILL deals with folks who are off their rocker on a regular basis. Take Bowlingjoe, for example, or most of Captain ILL's family. He long ago lost any ability to judge a person's level of craziness, so if David wants to keep his deceased mother's remains in a rocking chair, Captain ILL says, "what the heck".

Anonymous said...

BowlingJoe may be unusual but he's not a danger to anyone. Still, he lives in constant fear that the Thought Police will lock him up and throw away the key.