Monday, January 12, 2009

ILL answer desk question #7

Dear ILL Answerman,

What smells bad to a dog?

Bowling W. in Marysville, WA

Bowling W.,

Nothing. Dogs collect odors like the Answerman collects TVs and computers. This is why they always look so sad when you give them a bath: you're robbing them of their hard won aromas. So give those poor doggies a break and let them keep their smells; if you don't they'll just go out and collect more anyway.

The ILL Answerman


Anonymous said...

A great answer from the ILL desk. However, the author of the question was actually one Bowling W. from Marysville, WA.

Captain ILL said...

Mea culpa. I had a 50/50 shot and I missed. Bowlingwidow, please forgive me for not giving you credit for the question; my error has been corrected.

Anonymous said...

I hate 50/50 shots. There's a reason I rarely gamble! I prefer to put my quarters into a vending machine. At least I know I'll get SOMETHING back.

Captain ILL said...

You've had more luck with vending machines than I have. The odds may not be as bad as 50/50, but I don't always get something when I put my money in a vending machine.