Being a superhero means you often find yourself dealing with despicable scoundrels like Doctor Doom or Dick Cheney. Fortunately "dealing" with supervillains means booting and pummeling them into submission. Superheroes have no need to "identify the 10 most unwanted behaviors and how to deal with each of them" or learn "how difficult people think, what they fear, and why they act the way they do". Villains fear a good booting! They do what they do because they are villains! Overanalyzing their motivations can lead to sympathy, and sympathy can lead to hesitation, and hesitators lose! Don't think, boot!
Enough! For too long I've sat back and let this Captain ILL nincompoop sully the good name of Dick Cheney unchallenged. No more! As I approach the end of my reign as vice president, I will be embarking on a new career in the archvillainy field. My first goal will be to take over the world! Captain ILL, try and stop me if you dare!
Captain ILL should be a Prepare trainer! Your approach sounds much better than that "standing sideways, use a soft voice" method.
The Dick, Captain ILL says, bring it on! He's always ready to take the boot to evildoers, but he's been looking forward to giving you the boot for a long time.
Poly, Captain ILL had to laugh at those Prepare folks who thought that standing sideways is a good way to confront hostile patrons. Everyone knows that the sideways stance is an attack pose, so it's only a good stance for confrontations if you're planning to kick someone in the face.
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