Thursday, April 5, 2012

Introducing Newton (ILL of the day)

Captain ILL is fascinated by what he calls "that science stuff", though he seems to be under the impression that it has something to do with hairstyling. As evidence of this hypothesis, he pointed to the cover of this book as well as pictures of Albert Einstein, James Clerk Maxwell, and Dr. Shrinker. I know for a fact that The Captain didn't open this book, but he told me the following story about how Isaac Newton invented hairstyling. Apparently Mr. Newton was sitting under an apple tree one day, when a pernicious apple fell on his head and injured the poor fellow terribly. Now this Newton was apparently some sort of brainiac (he later went on to invent the Fig Newton), so he immediately realized that if he grew his hair long and thick it would protect his head from future apple strikes. Of course nowadays apple trees are kept corralled in orchards so we are free to style our hair however we like.

As always, it's important to remember that our dear Captain has taken a few blows to the head himself over the years, and there's no padding in that pot he wears on his head.