Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Famous Joes

Good Joes:
G.I. Joe
Chief Joseph
Joe Walsh
Joseph Merrick
Joey Ramone
Joe Cool
Joe Satriani
Joseph of Arimathea
Joey Tribbiani

Bad Joes:
Josef Stalin
Joey Buttafuoco
Joe the Plumber



Anonymous said...

If I can be so bold, I'd like to add a few to the list:

Good Joes:

Joe Munson (one of the few REAL GUYS in this world, ladies....believe me)

Joseph Wapner (the People's Court judge)

Joe Biden

Joe Jackson (of "Is She Really Going Out With Him?" fame)

Bad Joes:

Josef Mengele

Joe McCarthy

It Depends on Your Viewpoint Joe:

Joseph Smith

groovelily said...

are there any famous groovelily's in the world? or am i the only one? oh, wait....besides the band. :)

Captain ILL said...

Excellent additions to the list! One of my many amazing qualities is that I'm very humble, so I couldn't put my own name on the list, but I'm relieved that someone else did.

Captain ILL said...

There may not be many Groovy Lilys out there, but there are a few famous people named Lily and several worthy flowers as well.

David said...

To the good Joe list, I'd add Sloppy Joe.

Anonymous said...


Bowlingwidow and I were up at your bookstore in Anacortes today (Saturday). We asked about you and they produced a "Dave" but not a "David". Said you work there on Sundays.

Sorry we missed ya. Great bookstore though. It was our first time stopping in. We'll check in again on some Sunday.


(Thanks for letting me hijack your blog again, Captain ILL)

Captain ILL said...

I can't believe I forgot about Sloppy Joe. For my birthday a couple months ago my sister came over and made Sloppy Joes for the whole family. I think that was her idea of a joke.

Captain ILL said...

I don't mind having my blog hijacked as long as you remember to park it in the same place you found it when you're finished so I can find it again. Oh, and be sure to fill the gas tank too; I hate it when my blog runs out of gas.

Anonymous said...

Since gas prices have settled down a bit, I have no problem doing that.

BowlingWidow and I are now back from our Skate America experience in Everett. It was actually a lot of fun and there were several Sno-Isle Service Center celebrities in attendance.

Captain ILL said...

Good luck trying to find where to put the gas in. Perhaps it goes in one of the tubes that the internets travels through?

IMLOT said...

Joe Camel? I'm curious to know where he falls along your unique good/evil spectrum.

Captain ILL said...

Joe Camel is bad! Bad Camel! Bad Joe! Probably not as bad as Joe Stalin and probably worse than Joey Buttafuoco.

Captain ILL feels very strongly that children should not smoke until they are at least 80 and probably about to die anyway.

Anonymous said...

Great list of "Joes", but you left out a few.

Good Joes:

Joe DiMaggio
Joe Montana
Joe Namath
Joe Lieberman
Joe the Plumber (sorry, but I have to disagree with your assessment of him and put him on the "good Joe" list)

Anonymous said...

Joe the Plumber is nothing more than a creature of the media who has just hired an agent and is enjoying his 15 minutes (or perhaps more) of fame. What does this guy really stand for other than the fact that he's about to "strike the iron while it's hot", seize the moment and cash in? If this is the kind of person that is considered to be admirable on the basis of what has happened in the last two weeks, the collective intellect of this country is going down for the count faster than I thought.

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with at least part of your comment, "the collective intellect of this country is going down for the count faster than I thought", based on the number of people who seem to be voting for Obama.

Anonymous said...

And for my part, I'll say that in all honesty John McCain read his cue cards well and played Tina Fey's sidekick very competently last night on Saturday Night Live.

Captain ILL said...

Who'd have guessed that a simple list of Joes could turn into such a controversy? More than that, who'd have guessed that anyone would disagree with Captain ILL? Captain ILL, being such a famous and respected superhero, isn't used to anyone disagreeing with him, but he has to admit that anyone has the right to do so. The Captain almost suspects that he's been insulted since he mailed in his Obamaed ballot last week. Captain ILL doesn't mind being called a moron, but he prefers if people speak plainly while they do it so he doesn't get confused by all the fancy words.

Oh, and Joe the Plumber is still a goober.

Anonymous said...

Obama and McCain both leave a lot to be desired... there were more than 2 presidential candidates listed on my ballot. And my intent is not to turn Captain ILL's light-hearted and entertaining blog into a political forum, so... I will say adieux to this topic.

Captain ILL said...

Hopefully neither Janis nor anyone else has been discouraged from commenting after all this back and forth. All commentors are welcome: liberal, conservative, and even morons as Captain ILL so ably demonstrates.