Thursday, October 2, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL didn't read Basic Refrigeration: Principles, Practice, Operation; he didn't even skim it. He didn't have to, because the Captain is a master of refrigeration. He's not one of those dolts who opens the refrigerator door and just stands there for several minutes letting everything inside warm up. Captain ILL always knows exactly where everything is in his own refrigerator, and even when he's operating someone else's refrigerator, he'll open it, quickly scan the contents, and close the door while he makes his selection. If the Captain had known that you could make a career out of refrigeration, he might never have got into the whole Booting of Evil thing; the sorts of things you find in a refrigerator are usually much yummier than the sorts of things you find in the secret hideouts of evil masterminds.

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