Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Perhaps Captain ILL is betraying his age by recollecting the days when our nation's highways were covered with gleaming silver bullet-like Airstream trailers. Airstream: The History of the Land Yacht is a look back at a sleeker, shinier age. Actually, a colleague of Captain ILL's, Captain Marvel, used to travel around in an RV, speaking magic words and righting wrongs. I believe Captain Marvel drove a Winnebago rather than an Airstream, so he wouldn't have been able to apply his lipstick by gazing into his RV like the young lady in the picture here.


cardboard queen said...

Be still my heart! Owning an Airstream is at the top of my 'to do before I die' list. My dream is to make a small Airstream into an art studio...with or without a superhero (or lipstick).
Poor Captain Marvel, I don't think a Winnebago could ever have the cachet
of an Airstream.

groovelily said...

hey queenie, what is at the tip top of the list? Number one?

Matthew MaHowever you spell his name lives in an Airstream... wonder if he needs a nanny...

cardboard queen said...

Being a nanny is not on my list anywhere. Going to Greece on holiday is near the top.

thisandthat said...
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thisandthat said...

Wow, CQ... going to Greece! How awesome! If you want a traveling companion, let me know. I'd love to go with you. We would have the most incredible, fun time together! Have you ever seen the movie "Shirley Valentine"? I highly recommend it.

Jazzergigi said...

Oh my goodness!! You all have totally tapped into my number one dream of going to Greece!! I've wanted to go ever since I was 19 and saw this movie that was filmed there. I have no idea what the title was, but it was about this couple who go there and they end up meeting another girl and...oh never mind about that part, I wasn't impressed at all with the plot itself that's for sure, but the scenic views of Greece itself were absolutely incredible. **sigh**

cardboard queen said...

Hey Jazz, I remember that movie (and what those three were up to). Maybe that's where my obsession with Greece began. I would really like to go sailing off the coast. Such things are possible...

groovelily said...

My Seattle sis did the whole sail the greek islands deal... she loved it. Maybe you can start recycling all that cardboard to fund your trip.

Captain ILL said...

One of Captain ILL's fellow heroes also did that whole Greek island thing. His name was Odysseus, and you can read all about it in the Odyssey.