There has been a lot of speculation about the secret identity of Captain ILL. Many folks have assumed that since Joe is the official spokesman for Captain ILL that he is, in fact, Captain ILL himself. As anyone can see from this picture of them together, this is not the case. Joe is actually a mild mannered, though undeniably cool, ILL specialist, and Captain ILL is heroic righter of wrongs with a cooking pot on his head ... no similiarity at all.
Oh I don't know, that wide-eyed innocent look on both of their faces is kind of suspect...
Could you ask the captain why he is always in his pajamas?
Captain ILL says that these are not pajamas, but specially constructed, flame-resistant, padded, kevlar longjohns that are cleverly designed to resemble pajamas. In case you were wondering, there is not a drop seat in the rear.
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