Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The poll is closed ...

Well, it's not as close as the Obama/Clinton race, but Captain ILL's evil/good poll is pretty darn close, though the turnout was pretty disappointing. Apparently, the Captain is only two votes away from supervillainy, and worse, three votes away from a real job. Still, the voters have spoken and Captain ILL needs to take his medicine and hide all those rotten, evil thoughts deep inside, until someday he explodes and splatters bloody pieces of Captain all over his lair. Hopefully one of Captain ILL's powers is piecing himself back together again.


thisandthat said...

Trust me, Captain, it is much better that you someday explode all over your lair than allow your dark side to wreak havoc on the world. I'll be standing by with superglue.

cardboard queen said...

You must realize that your readers are a selfish lot. We can't bear to be without our Daily ILL fix. If we let you slip to the dark side, we would suffer. On the other hand, I believe you are more than capable of sustaining dual super-ish personalities. Of course, you would need another outfit.