Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Today's ILL of the day is: "Rapid Problem Solving With Post-it Notes". What I like most about this book is that it's not in any way related to genealogy. However, I also like the idea of being able to solve any problem with something as common as a pad of post-it notes. From the back cover: "Problems come in all shapes and sizes, yet most have common characteristics that can be addressed with the techniques found in this book." Being published in 1997 makes this little gem inelligible for purchase, but thankfully the North Olympic library system doesn't have a draconian weeding policy so they were able to lend it to us.


groovelily said...

Post-it notes are a grand invention. I hope they are rich... um you should add links to important wiki facts or amazon links that support your blog. It'd be more bloggish.

I like to be difficult.

Digging the English.

Captain ILL said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Joe I'm really glad you mentioned the post-it book because I've been pondering a method of problem-solving and that book provides me with a truly elegant solution. Looking forward to future posts! Leo