Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Today's ILL of the day is Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection. Now Captain ILL has seen a lot of books about back pain come across the ILL desk, but what the Captain really feels the world needs is a book about healing a pain in the ass. Back pain may be common, but everybody knows, or is a pain in the ass. You may be a pain in the ass and not even know it. Your humble Captain acknowledges that he probably tops many an "ass" list himself. Lacking a suitable book on the subject, I think I'll read the back pain book and substitute "ass" whenever the book says "back". This method seemed to work fine when I needed to prepare a holiday turkey, and all I had was a book on how to prepare a resume.


Jazzergigi said...

You are one funny guy Captain Ill! You are definitely on a roll with this stuff. Keep up the good work and I'll try to keep my laughter down over here.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your ass condition. I did locate a book at Amazon you may want to check out: The Book of Hemorrhoids and Other Pains in the Ass. It looks like there are only 2 copies available, so apparently you are not alone with your problem. I guess if all else fails, you could surely excel at a career in politics.

cardboard queen said...

OK, this made me laugh out loud. Somehow I don't think your supervisor would approve of the word ass.
(Even though I suspect she knows and deals with many every single day).
I love the list concept...can't you figure out a way to do a poll to see who among us tops the list most often?

Captain ILL said...

Cardboard queen has a good idea for a poll, but there's still 53 days left in the bit o' honey poll and it's been a pretty close race so I don't want to end it prematurely.

Captain ILL said...

Thanks for the research autumnbreeze, but I'm still going through the back pain book and crossing out all the "back"s and replacing them with "ass"es. It's taking more time than I thought.