Monday, March 31, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Today's ILL of the day is this Mysterious Package that arrived from the Mitchell Public Library. Sometimes a package will arrive that has been torn open in transit and missing it's contents; I'm sure everyone has experienced this phenomena, especially when shipping something valuable. This isn't one of those. This package arrived nice and tightly sealed. This is, in itself, not strange either. Despite the post office's best efforts, most of our packages arrive tightly sealed. No, this package is unusual because it arrived tightly sealed with nothing inside! If this had happened tomorrow, on April Fool's Day, I would have been suspicious, but since it's merely the eve of April Fool's day, I'm intensely curious instead. What could be the purpose of this Mysterious Package? What strange force could have removed the contents without breaking the seal?


groovelily said...

Curious to know, how much does it cost to ILL air?

Captain ILL said...
