Friday, March 21, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Today choice is The Rival by Brenda Joyce. If anyone is interested in owning their very own copy, just follow the link to Amazon and you can pick one up for one thin cent. Publisher's Weekly writes: "An epic romance ... [a] hero ... to die for ... a heroine readers will root for." Here's what the back cover has to say: "Amidst whispers of treachery and murder, the Stanhope heir vanishes without a trace ..." and then continues, "She dared to love the man all of London hated ..." Is this mysterious heir the same man that all of London hates? Why does this daring woman love him so much when everyone else hates him? Is there actual treachery and murder, or just whispers? Why are there so many ellipsis in the Publisher's Weekly blurb? Rush over to Amazon and you can get the answers for only a penny.


cardboard queen said...

Thanks to your help, I am now able to make the comments to this posting that I wanted to make on Friday...I want to know who the Rival is. Is it the woman? Or is it the man? Is the Rival despised by all of London or only part of London? Are the man and woman rivals together against some greater threat? I need answers!

Captain ILL said...

You have two choices: follow the link and pay your penny, or wait for the returning book to appear in the mailroom.