Thursday, March 27, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Today's ILL of the day was chosen by the cardboard queen who, when she handed me this book, gave me a look that said: "if this isn't the ILL of the day, then you're a dweeb". Captain ILL is no dweeb queenie! The back cover says: "I have nothing to hide; I am who I am. I got elected governor just by being who I am, so I owe it to the people who voted for me to keep on being me". Now I'm not sure what Mr. Ventura did before he entered politics, but I gather he was some sort of hit man or something. I think a fellow like this would do wonders for this country in an even higher office. Can you imagine what it would be like to have a loose cannon who doesn't care what people think in the white house?


cardboard queen said...

WOW! Who knew I had so much influence with Captain ILL? Sweet.
The whole Popeye connection is too fabulous to pass up. I know some will say that Mr. Ventura resembles Bluto (Brutus) without a beard, but I think he looks more like a grown-up Sweet Pea; without the red nightgown, of course. Isn't this just what Popeye would hope for in a son...muscular, successful, muscular, bald...wait, Sweet Pea was a boy, wasn't he? And Popeye's child?
ANYWAY if the Popeye connection doesn't do it for you, how about the Descartes connection? Close enough to count.

groovelily said...

Brave of you to mix politics and blogging. The youtube video is very entertaining... I must have been in a blackhole of some sort to have missed such a fabulous quote. Hillary or Obama?

Captain ILL said...

Mr. Cheney is such a weasel, they have a whole segment on the Daily Show dedicated to him titled: "You don't know Dick".

I'm favoring Mr. Obama at the moment, but since all my knowledge of the candidates comes from the Daily Show and the Colbert Report, my endorsement doesn't amount to much.