Monday, March 17, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

This is actually Friday's ILL of the day, since Friday's books arrived too late to process. The title is "Happiness - What Studies on Twins Show Us About Nature, Nurture, and the Happiness Set Point". The front flap states: "This research shows that your happiness "set point" - your capacity for joy - is determined primarily by your genes." This is similiar to a long held theory of my own, that happiness is determined by your jeans. Don't we all feel more joy when we're wearing an awesome and expensive pair of jeans? Now I haven't done any "research", but my instinct tells me that jeans play a far larger role than genes in setting the happiness bar. Can anyone be truly happy in chinos?


Kathleen Wruck said...

Joe, as brilliant as your research appears to be (at least, what I've read of it so far) . . . your jeans theory is slightly flawed. It's not an expensive pair of jeans that can send one into spasms of happiness; it's a pair of jeans that one can still fit into after doing all those other things that one does in search of happiness, like eating a gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Keep up the good work!

Captain ILL said...


Thanks for the kind words. You are quite correct, most of my theories are flawed in some way, many of them seriously so. I could not possibly eat a gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream since mint makes me vomit uncontrolably, but I will consider adding your addendum solely on the basis of your say so.