Monday, March 17, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Today's ILL of the day comes to us courtesy of Groovelily over at Starfish and Coffee. Groovelily was kind enough to pick out "How Do I Put It On", a very old picture book. This useful book details step-by-step the process of putting on your clothes. This is the sort of book that would be useful to keep next to your bed in case you're too hung over to remember which order your pants and underpants go on in, or even if you can't remember that your pants don't go on over your head. I haven't read the whole thing, but it may even provide an answer to the troubling question of how to get your expensive jeans back on after eating a gallon of ice cream.


cardboard queen said...

Another book you might be interested in for the whole 'getting dressed' thing is Froggy Gets Dressed. It doesn't get any better than this sweet little read...unless maybe it's that one about the orchestra getting dressed...I can't remember the exact title.
Additional...anyone too hungover to get dressed should probably stay in their jammies and call in sick...cause they probably will be another few minutes.

groovelily said...

Cardboard queen... I love a title challenge. This your book? Philharmonic gets dressed by Karla Kuskin. "It is 8:30 on Friday night, and the one hundred and five men and women dressed completely in black and white have gone to work turning the black notes on white pages into a symphony. They are the members of the Philharmonic Orchestra, and their work is to play. Beautifully."