Friday, March 28, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Today we have Final Fantasy IX: Official Strategy Guide. Captain ILL has to confess that he's a PC game snob. He owns an Xbox 360, but he only uses it to watch TV, not for video games. This particular game was apparently only released on the Playstation but, based on the strategy guide, it looks very colorful and very silly. For example, you may be interested to know that a Glutton's Robe costs 6,000 Gil at he Synthesis Expert's Shop. The book has no index, so I don't know what a Glutton's Robe is, but I'm sure it must be worth at least 6,000 Gil, though probably not worth the cost of a Playstation.


thisandthat said...

Hey, I paid 7,000 Gil for a Glutton's Robe at Walmart... what a ripoff!! (Guess I should have shopped around...)

cardboard queen said...

What is a Glutton's Robe anyway? I'm guessing it's not an over-sized coat fitted with big pockets that could be used for shoplifting at the local grocery store.
Thisandthat seems to know all about them. How about it, thisandthat , could you post us a pic?

cardboard queen said...

I had to come back and post's been bugging me all weekend; why does Captain ILL watch TV on an Xbox 360?

Captain ILL said...

Captain ILL is addicted to gadgets, and if there's a way to make something more complicated through the use of interesting toys, he'll take that route every time. So he uses an Xbox 360 to watch TV.