Monday, June 30, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL is a big fan of Jedi Knights; they're a lot like superheroes, only fictional. The Fight for Truth is a book in the Jedi Apprentice series, which is set in the Star Wars universe; though if you didn't know that, there's no point reading any further. Captain ILL will summarize the summary on the back cover: some Jedi go to a planet and kick some ass. In fact, that probably pretty much summarizes all of the Star Wars books, movies, video games, and so on. Not that there's anything wrong with this, because when the Jedi kick ass, they do it in a very entertaining way, with all sorts of jumping and dodging and waving of light sabers, and when they're finished, you're not only astounded that they managed to smite all the bad guys, but they also managed to not slice themselves to ribbons in the process. Which brings us to Captain ILL's latest poll. All the cool kids will be voting in it, don't you want to be one of them?


Anonymous said...

Be very careful, Captain ILL. With a book that's subtitled "The Fight For Truth" I'm worried that you might wake up the parade of philosophers who hijacked your last blog.

thisandthat said...

I guess I never really noticed before, but I guess it stands to reason Yoda's would be smaller.

Captain ILL said...

Bowlingjoe: Captain ILL is always happy to play host to such distinguished philosophers as George W. Bush and Homer Simpson but, generally speaking, it's nice to have wiser commentators ...

Anonymous said...

Thisandthat: "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you?"

Anonymous said...

It's not the size of the lightsaber, it's what you can do with it.

Sorry about saying that, but I'm sure some of you were thinking about going for the cheap laugh, too. You know who you are.

Anonymous said...

Excellent point that is Bowlingjoe, and necessary an apology is not for making it. The shoto, or short lightsaber very useful can be in the hands of a Jedi of smaller stature, or as a second, defensive blade in the hand of a taller Jedi. Certainly in my battle with Dooku, and then again with the Emperor, demonstrated I did that skill and mastery of the force is what's important, not size.

groovelily said...

Think pink people... the groovykids are getting ready for breakfast, and i thought i'd use my 15 minutes of free internet access... before i had groovykids, i thought they were light savers. cuz they saved lives and all. I have since been corrected. Why just this week, Amazon shipped me some star wars chic. (as in a woman).

time for breakfast, golf, sun, and ice cream cones.

Anonymous said...

Groovelily, eating ice cream before noon you should not; the path to the dark side that is.

groovelily said...

yoda, wise, is he.

David said...

Frank Oz was the voice of Yoda and many Muppets too, so once in a while Yoda sounds like a cousin to Cookie Monster.

groovelily said...

My kids just pointed out to me that i am a dark jedi. What's up with that?

Captain ILL said...

Truthfully, because "Darth Groovelily" sounded better than "Master Groovelily". I thought about "Mistress Groovelily", but I've never heard Jedi referred to in that way. This is not a very excuse for making you a dark jedi, so I apologize.

Anonymous said...

I demand a recount! One of the most popular jedi in the solar system, am I. Doubt of "Darth groovelily" to obtain more votes than me was able. When google search with my name, you do, 17 million hits, you get. When you search darth groovelily, you find only one...

Anonymous said...

It is a foolish man who argues with Yoda, yet with Google, as in many things in life "it is quality rather than quantity that matters". Perhaps if Yoda spent less time worrying about his polling results, and more time focused on quality, he might someday be able to match Darth Groovelily.