Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

The Cardboard Queen practically begged for The Bug Club to be selected as the ILL of the day, and Captain ILL has always had a soft spot for royalty, so here it is. The main character is a bug named Pug the Bug (he's the hipster bug pictured on the cover). He's the sort of slick, know-it-all dude that Captain ILL is constantly having to rescue from ridiculous predicaments. In the story, he gets himself trapped in a jug and, because Captain ILL is busy elsewhere, his fellow bug club cronies have to climb up a mug and a plug to rescue Pug the Bug from the jug. Then they all share a hug. Captain ILL can't help but be a bit disappointed with this ending. The Captain enjoys alliteration as much as the next person, but where is the evil mastermind? Where is the boot of justice? And most of all, where is the scene where the boot of justice meets the posterior of the evil mastermind? These are important elements of any story, and they aren't anywhere to be found in this one, even in metaphorical form. Oh well, perhaps Captain ILL should not have such high expectations of bugs.


cardboard queen said...

I don't know if I would have used the word 'begged'. As a general rule I am pretty aware when I'm begging for something and I just wasn't feeling it in this situation. However, I do appreciate you mentioning my interest in today's ILL. I may have to crochet a super-hero man-bag for the Captain as a gesture of thanks.

Jazzergigi said...

Speaking of boots...I can't help but be concerned anytime that humans and bugs interact. Captain ILL needs to be mindful of exactly where he's placing his heavily booted feet while hanging out with his bug pals.

Captain ILL said...

Captain ILL is easily confused, so perhaps he mistook The Cardboard Queen's pleading for begging. If so, he apologizes profusely.

Captain ILL said...

Captain ILL makes no apologies for stomping evil, be they human, bug, or anything in between! But he does go out of his way to avoid harming innocent bugs, slugs, and pugs.

groovelily said...

Personally, I carry a salt shaker and lime... each little fella goes out in style.

Jose Cuervo his is a friend of mine, I like to drink it with a little salt and lime, whenever we get together we sure have a good time... They (the slugs) are so happy singing along, they don't know what hit'em. Don't tell PETA.