Thursday, June 5, 2008

Interlibrary Loans of the day

Something very strange happened in Captain ILL's secret lair today. A mere seven books appeared on the ILL cart today, which is strange enough, but using his supernatural skills of observation, the Captain was able to uncover a hidden link between all these books. Here are the titles:

Lead or get off the pot! : the seven secrets of a self-made leader

Seven words that can change the world : a new understanding of sacredness

The seven laws of money

Seven eggs

The seven lost secrets of success

Seven days in January : with the 6th SS-mountain division in Operation Nordwind

What the angel taught you : seven keys to life fulfillment

Now it's not obvious from the titles, but each of these books had the color blue somewhere on the cover. Isn't that weird? Is it possible that this could happen by accident, or are there sinister blue forces at work?


Anonymous said...

Never mind the books. Captain ILL's baritone karaoke performance of Barry Manilow's "Copacabana" on Friday clearly secured Marysville in being "the hottest spot west of Montana." At least for those few minutes anyway. It was almost inspiring enough for Bowlingjoe to have grabbed the pseudo microphone and belted out a tune of his own. Almost. But not quite. Maybe next time.

Captain ILL said...

Hopefully next time Bowlingjoe will be inspired enough to jump into the spotlight. Maybe we can get Joe Walsh to join us and we could form our own band of Joes, because everyone knows that Joes are the coolest dudes around.