Friday, June 20, 2008

Sergeant ILL reporting for duty!

So, Captain ILL is off kicking some evil doer's posterior, and his trusty sidekick Joe is busy doing Joe stuff, like mixing up a batch of Yucca's. Or maybe he's practicing his karaoke skills for next month? That leaves me in charge! Down to business...

So, I had three possibilities for the ILL of the day. First one to catch my eye was Plea of Insanity: Some fear madness. Some choose it... How fantastic is that title? But, I couldn't just pick the first one. Keep looking I said. Next up, an article request. Well, the patron had really requested the book, but Lehigh University Library made a judgment call and just photocopied the whole thing. The patron gets to keep it...What a deal! I might have to make a photocopy of the photocopy. I know some folks who might need some of this info. Dipsomania. Dr. D'Unger's cinchona rubra cure for drunkenness--continuous or periodical. What it is! How it was discovered! What it has done!... Okay, were you as impressed as I was with all the exclamation marks in that title? And, how does the good Doc thing a drunk is going to read this? Those words made me feel like I had sipped a couple of Joe's Yucca's. Dr. D'Unger has come to the conclusion that "those weaklings affected with headaches after drinking rarely become drunkards." The cure you ask??? Cinchona Rubra of course. Important side note... this book is from 1879.

Okay, Okay, the winner of today's ILL...

Zoomers Revisited: Where are they now?
ZOOMer's revisited takes some people (not groovelily) back to carefree youthful days when they would watch those Zoomer's, and sing a long (hopeful not into a beer bottle) "come on and zoom, zoom, zoom-a zoom..." From the back of the book: "Hub-i frub-ends! Remember Box 3-5-0? Striped shirts? Stained glass cookies? Bernadette's wavy arms? They were all part of ZOOM, the PBS phenomenon from the 70's that captured viewer's attention by paying them attention- they wrote the show!"

Personally, I really didn't like this show, but a certain non-bowling Joe did. I think it might be because there was a Joe on the show (the small kid with the British accent). Oddly, non-bowling Joe and I just had a conversation about Zoom, in which I couldn't recall the show and non-bowling Joe was able to sing the theme song to jog my memory (really, I remembered, but Joe is always good for a theme song or two). So, if you want to catch up on all the characters, or at least what they were doing in 1998, give non-bowling Joe a call. I'm sure he can fill you in on all the details.

Non-bowling Joe owes me an hour of overtime. Or a yucca. Thank goodness I don't have to do this everyday!


thisandthat said...
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thisandthat said...

Well done, Sergeant! Obviously, you did "dream of witty and clever things...". I love the link to the "evil doer"... hilarious! The Captain should be careful about leaving you in charge - you could easily take over and no one would be the wiser... first, the Captain's blog, next, world domination. I apologize for not remembering the Zoomers (the 70's are still a blur to me), but they sound like loads of fun. I would love to have heard Joe sing the theme song - did he sing into a beer bottle, or did he warble into a cup o' noodles?

groovelily said...

Thisandthat! where were you today? Not sick I hope...

Anonymous said...

Good job, Groovelily. BowlingJoe doesn't have much recall of the "Zoom" show even though it started airing when I was 11. And that's probably a positive thing. The ugly flip side is that I happen to still remember that Jack Wild starred in H.R. Pufnstuf.

Trivia buffs will remember that Wild died a couple of years ago in his early 50s as a result of heavy smoking and drinking.

In the long run, BowlingJoe is glad he wasn't a teen idol.

groovelily said...

H.R. Pufnstuf was, by far, hands down, my least favorite show in the world! Witchiepoo! And all those talking things... and the talking flute!

Land of the Lost... now that was quality stuff. The scary guys in the wetsuits (sleestak), the monkey looking guy that helps them (cha-ka). And the big t-rex in the opening credits!

Captain ILL said...

Bravo! Captain ILL very proud of the excellent report presented by Sergeant ILL, and happy to know that if he dies fighting some bug-eyed monstrosity from the depths of outer space, his work will be carried on by a true superheroine. This effort is easily worth 3 hours of overtime, or 3 yuccas (since we got 3 titles for the price of one). Thanks Groovelily! (And I'm glad you finally came clean about remembering Zoom; such deceitfulness is unbecoming in a superheroine.)

Oh, and Groovelily and Bowlingjoe will be happy to know that I have the karaoke music for H.R. Puffinstuff, Land of the Lost, and the Jose Cuervo song, though Zoom continues to elude me.

Anonymous said...

Groovelily makes a worthy substitute. BowlingWidow didn't watch much of the TV as a child but she does have some vague, nightmareish memories of H.R. Pufnstuf

Captain ILL said...

Who's your friend when things get rough? H.R. Puff n' stuff! I hope, Bowlingwidow, that H.R. wasn't the source of your nightmares; after all he can't do a little 'cause he can't do enough!

groovelily said...

OMG is that part of the theme song? HR pufnstuf is the source of MANY nightmares.

(all opinions stated by groovelily, are, well just opinions. you are free to have your own opinion.)

Captain ILL said...

After viewing the video of the song over at Thisandthat's blog, I now realize that I was mixing up H.R. Puff 'n Stuff and Sigmund and the Sea Monsters in my mind. Talk about nightmares, check out these freaks:

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

And then there were The Bugaloos

The name of this show alone should have raised eyebrows. And the cast had British accents. Gee, imagine that.

Sid and Marty Krofft must have ingested the motherlode of psilocybin mushrooms prior to creating their "children's shows".

Fortunately, BowlingJoe was more interested in maps, biographies, and baseball during that time and chose to "just say no" to Sid and Marty Krofft.

Captain ILL said...

I am a bit embarrassed to admit that I remember the bugaloos. Although I never watched a single episode of the bugaloos, I've never been able to forget their horrible theme song. The bugaloos are indeed everywhere.

Jazzergigi said...

Well...alas Jazzergigi has to admit to remembering each and everyone of the aforementioned shows. I watched them all. Right down to the talking flute. Sigh. I've now dated myself. Oh well. What Sid and Marty Kroft created were the "Power Rangers" of the 70's don't you know??

One not done by Sid and Marty, but a definite Jazzergigi favorite was the "Land of the Giants".

Captain ILL said...

I have no recollection of Land of the Giants, but the description from Wikipedia sounds interesting.