Friday, August 29, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the day

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the Wednesday.

Captain ILL was busy shopping for gardening supplies at Fred Meyer yesterday, so he wasn't able to get this report out in a timely manner. He did get a big jug of weed killer, a pair of gloves, and some fancy knee pads though (unlike Superman, the Captain's knees are not invulnerable).
A book like Gunshot Wounds is of interest to anyone in the superheroing business. Captain ILL usually doesn't have to worry about ordinary guns; most bullets just bounce right off him. He does try to stay out of the way of RPGs, tanks, and atomic explosions though. Fortunately the evildoers that Captain ILL usually deals with don't have access to that kind of firepower. Sometimes he wishes that some of his regular supervillains would put a little more thought into their weapons though. For example, The Insidious Carrot has a device that shoots carrots at hypersonic speeds. Sure, they hurt, but being hit with a hypersonic carrot is just embarrassing.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the day

While Captain ILL normally objects to obscenity in books, and especially in titles, he made an exception in the case of The Two Farms, since the selection of ILL books today is so limited. He supposes if you have to use a bad word like "farm", you might as well use it as many times as possible. Unfortunately, despite the expectations raised by the title, the word "farm" doesn't seem to appear with much frequency throughout the book. The Captain is much too busy to do a page by page count, but he did flip through the book a bit and didn't see "farm" used a single time after the blatant appearance on the cover. Come on people! Let's see some more farmin' ILL requests for farmin' books full of farm ... but only non-gratuitous farming please.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Happy Birthday!
Today is this little fella's second birthday. It's for folks like Jacob here that Captain ILL boots evil; his boots are still too small for effective evil-booting, so he needs somebody bigger to boot evil for him. Captain ILL dedicates his fight for justice this year to Jacob. He wishes his little buddy a long life filled with peace, joy, and as much justice as this old Captain can wrangle.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the day

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the day

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the day

In any case, while full of pretty pictures, the book is inaccurate on at least one point: it is not the world's fastest flying jet. Wikipedia indicates this aircraft has a top speed of mach 3. The Batplane, however, can fly at nearly mach 6. That's twice as fast! It's too bad that authors can't get their facts straight, especially when there are so many facts available out there on the internets.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the day

"Dear Ann,
My name is Captain ILL (No doubt you've heard of me, I'm a very famous and successful superhero) and I'm writing to you at the suggestion of a certain amphibious colleague of mine who wishes to remain anonymous. See, I was at this superhero exhibition at Sea World; all the big names were there, but I won't mention any names. Everything went fine until my turn onstage came and, well, to make a long story short, I don't have very good control over my laser beams and I ended up boiling alive half the exibits and giving a certain amphibious colleague of mine third degree burns all over his body. My question is this: to what extent am I legally, financially, and etiquetly responsible for replacing the boiled fishies?
Your greatest fan,
Captain ILL"
Unfortunately, she never responded.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the day

Friday, August 15, 2008
A Mission at Last!
I got a call late last night from Captain ILL. He told me that he had a hot tip that Professor Perfidy was building some sort of doomsday device in his secret headquarters in the mountains out near Big Four. Unfortunately, the ILLmobile was low on anti-matter, so he needed a lift. Always willing to lend a hand in the fight against injustice, we hopped in my Honda this morning and headed east.
After about an hour of driving during which we occupied ourselves by singing various Neil Diamond songs, we arrived at the trail base:
We applied sunscreen and bug repellent, and started up the trail. Unfortunately, we didn't get far. Professor Perfidy must have gotten wind of our arrival, because the bridge had been blow out:
I wanted to keep going on, but Captain ILL insisted that the park rangers certainly wouldn't approve of us going off the trail and fording the river. The Captain is a real stickler for the rules, but I could see his point, so we came back down and found this nice warning that the kind rangers had left for us:
Apparently, you're not allowed to go tramping about in the woods for free, and they now want me to send them $5 even though the bridge was out and we were unable to complete our mission.
While we were driving back down the mountain (singing more Neil Diamond songs), Captain ILL thought he spotted a giant robot rampaging around up on Mount Pilchuck, so we may be headed up there next. If so, I'll be buying a yearly pass to keep the rangers off our backs.
After about an hour of driving during which we occupied ourselves by singing various Neil Diamond songs, we arrived at the trail base:

While we were driving back down the mountain (singing more Neil Diamond songs), Captain ILL thought he spotted a giant robot rampaging around up on Mount Pilchuck, so we may be headed up there next. If so, I'll be buying a yearly pass to keep the rangers off our backs.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Poem of the day
Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL has had a lot of requests for referrals for The Hulk since he posted here Sunday about his weeding project at the Captain's house. He did a splendid job of weeding the gravel bed, as you can see in this photograph:
Unfortunately, The Hulk has a bit of a temper, which makes employing him as a landscaper problematical. Here is a photograph of the Captain's living room after The Hulk finished "remodeling":
So while Captain ILL can easily recommend the Hulk for any demolition work, he can't recommend inviting him into your home.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the day

Monday, August 11, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the day

Calvin's dad doesn't make an appearance in this book, but there are a few gems in there nevertheless. For example: "Keep a chicken nugget in a shoe box, leave it some water and corn, and soon it will grow into a live chicken." or "Your dad is a super-hero. He was bitten by a radioactive MAN, giving him all the powers of a MAN. His super-hero name is MAN-MAN. His super-hero costume is jeans and a shirt from Gap. His arch-nemesis is called 'All The Stuff That Needs Doing'. Thrill to his exploits!" Hmmmm, that last one sounds an awful lot like Captain ILL's dad ...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Hulk Smash!

This Hulk typing on Captain ILL's computer machine. Captain ILL drink too much and pass out. Leave computer on. Hulk hate typing. Hulk's fingers too big for tiny keyboard. Tiny keyboard make Hulk angry! You not like Hulk when Hulk angry! Arrrrgghhhh! Whewh! Hulk smash Captain ILL's petunias. Hulk feel much better now. Captain ILL invite Hulk over to help pull weeds. Hulk good at pulling things. Hulk better at smashing things though. When finish pulling weeds, start drinking. Hulk big. Can drink lots more than Captain. When Captain pass out, Hulk start smashing things. Then Hulk see computer machine with funny pictures and words. Hulk take break from smashing and type instead. Hulk want people know he not all bad. He like to smash things, but he also like puppies and petunias. When Hulk smash Captain's petunias, Hulk sad. Hulk also sad when he smash puppies, but no puppies at Captain ILL's house. Hulk has to go now. Still lots of smashing to do here.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the day

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the day

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the day

Monday, August 4, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the day

Voices of Qi: An Introductory Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine is an interesting title because it contains the single most useful word in the English language. Even more interesting is that it was not originally an English word, and didn't really become useful until March 2006 when it was first included in the Scrabble Official Word List. The word is "Qi", and is so little known outside the Chinese and Scrabble communities, that at this moment Firefox is complaining that it isn't in its dictionary by putting a little red line under it. In Scrabble, however, it is a very useful word since it is one of the few "q" words that doesn't require a "u" and it is only two letters long. It's only worth 11 points all by itself, but Captain ILL has seen someone score a cool 62 points with this word alone! As an extra bonus, it can even by made plural by adding an "s" at the end. Captain ILL challenges anyone to find a more useful word than this.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Interlibrary Loan of the Thursday

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