Monday, August 18, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL is a pretty classy guy. Ask anyone, and they'll tell you that the Captain is so full of class that he's got it leaking out of his ears. However, a brief flip through of Class: A Guide Through the American Status System finds no mention at all of Captain ILL. Fortunately, that insufferably arrogant twit Superman also gets no mention. In fact, there's no mention of any superheroes at all, even those few who are billionaires in their secret identities like Batman and Iron Man. In spite of this deficit, there is a useful tip for discerning social class on page 162: "Proles say tux, middles tuxedo, but both are considered low by uppers, who say dinner jacket or (higher) black tie." So if you find yourself at a fancy dress ball where all the gentlemen are wearing black tie and you can't tell the proles from the people who matter, just walk up to one and ask "What the F&@* are you wearing?" It should be immediately obvious after this who the classless twit is.

1 comment:

IMLOT said...

>Ask anyone, and they'll
>tell you that the Captain
>is so full of class that
>he's got it leaking out of
>his ears. that's what that was. Good to know.