Monday, August 11, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL would never condone lying of any sort, but if you have to lie, then lying to small kids is certainly an entertaining way to go. Great Lies to Tell Small Kids is a book of cartoons that reminds the Captain of Calvin's dad:

Calvin's dad doesn't make an appearance in this book, but there are a few gems in there nevertheless. For example: "Keep a chicken nugget in a shoe box, leave it some water and corn, and soon it will grow into a live chicken." or "Your dad is a super-hero. He was bitten by a radioactive MAN, giving him all the powers of a MAN. His super-hero name is MAN-MAN. His super-hero costume is jeans and a shirt from Gap. His arch-nemesis is called 'All The Stuff That Needs Doing'. Thrill to his exploits!" Hmmmm, that last one sounds an awful lot like Captain ILL's dad ...

1 comment:

Dawn said...

This is one I seriously considered booktalking to teens, but in the end decided it was probably a bad idea, and went with The Book of Bunny Suicides instead.