Friday, August 1, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the Thursday

Captain ILL has alluded in a previous entry how insufferable Superman can be to work with. Even his holier-than-thou attitude is superhuman to such a degree that it can be difficult to be in the same room as him for more than a few minutes at a time. The Captain doesn't have to work with Superman very often, but for those unfortunates who do, How To Work With Just About Anyone will be a handy book to read. In all honesty though, it probably is much easier to work with Superman than a power hungry megalomaniac like Lex Luthor or Dr. Doom. A constant barrage of condescending remarks can be a pain to deal with, but probably not as bad as a death ray from a boss piqued because you pointed out the laser burns on his shiny new body armor. Captain ILL is sure that this book will make it much easier to work with folks like Brainiac or Magneto, but please note that the title says "Just About Anyone"; it won't be able to help someone who works with Dick Cheney.


David said...

Superman is also less-than-super in the humor department. The guy is painfully dull, which must be why he doesn't have a sidekick.

Anonymous said...

So, what would you suggest for those of us who do have to work with Dick Cheney? (please, throw me a bone, here)

Captain ILL said...

Patience grasshopper; soon Dick will be gone.

And stay out of his line of fire.