Monday, August 4, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Voices of Qi: An Introductory Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine is an interesting title because it contains the single most useful word in the English language. Even more interesting is that it was not originally an English word, and didn't really become useful until March 2006 when it was first included in the Scrabble Official Word List. The word is "Qi", and is so little known outside the Chinese and Scrabble communities, that at this moment Firefox is complaining that it isn't in its dictionary by putting a little red line under it. In Scrabble, however, it is a very useful word since it is one of the few "q" words that doesn't require a "u" and it is only two letters long. It's only worth 11 points all by itself, but Captain ILL has seen someone score a cool 62 points with this word alone! As an extra bonus, it can even by made plural by adding an "s" at the end. Captain ILL challenges anyone to find a more useful word than this.


Anonymous said...

So, does this infer that Scrabble is actually a form of Chinese Medicine?

Captain ILL said...

Hmmmm, there aren't any needles in Scrabble, though there may be some therapeutic value. But you would know better than I master Confucius.

groovelily said...

For a two letter word, it doesn't get much better than qi.... za is a close second.... i am looking forward to the day i can get muzjiks (a russian peasant). It's supposed to be the one of the highest point bingo words.... someday.....

Anonymous said...

BowlingJoe hasn't played Scrabble for years. Are net-lingo things such as OMG, TMI, RL, and f2f allowable plays?

Captain ILL said...

BowlingJoe, I'm afraid that abbreviations or acronyms are not allowed in Scrabble. Much to my consternation, words that I invent are not allowed either. However, words that Groovelily invents are allowed, as long as she can keep a straight face as she places the tiles on the board.

Anonymous said...

Groovelily is awesome! She should author her own dictionary.

Captain ILL said...

You'll get no argument from me Mr. Webster. She can start with "jem" and "plourd" and I'll give her "axer", though that last one is my own invention.

groovelily said...

It is just some sort of technical difficulty when one of my words doesn't show up in the dictionary..... i'm putting in a budget request for the 2008 grown-up scrabble dictionary. Don't you think jem should be a word? and nite? nite for sure.... i'm submitting a list to the scrabble people...

Anonymous said...

"Plourd"?? LMAO

Anonymous said...

In January of 2009, perhaps the Scrabble people could hire GWB to be the "decider" of what words are allowable.

groovelily said...

hey... no one is allowed to lmao if they don't give me a clue as to whose a is doing the l.....and scrabble rules allow you to try and fool your opponent into accepting questionable words... my opponent is either a fool, or generous. :)

Captain ILL said...

Farm! Are those the only two choices?