Monday, August 25, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

While Captain ILL normally objects to obscenity in books, and especially in titles, he made an exception in the case of The Two Farms, since the selection of ILL books today is so limited. He supposes if you have to use a bad word like "farm", you might as well use it as many times as possible. Unfortunately, despite the expectations raised by the title, the word "farm" doesn't seem to appear with much frequency throughout the book. The Captain is much too busy to do a page by page count, but he did flip through the book a bit and didn't see "farm" used a single time after the blatant appearance on the cover. Come on people! Let's see some more farmin' ILL requests for farmin' books full of farm ... but only non-gratuitous farming please.


Anonymous said...

Captain, while we're on the topic of obscenity, I did notice one particular curiosity regarding your potentially controversial "birthday clothes" picture.

Was the black rectangle that covered your naughty bits a size that is an industry standard or is it a customized black rectangle?

I mean....the bottom of it extended darned near to your kneecaps for crying out loud.

Captain ILL said...

Fortunately Bowlingjoe, you ,and and occasionally David, seem to be the only ones who read this blog anymore or Captain ILL might be embarassed by your comments. Unfortunately, there seems to be a misunderstanding about the purpose of the black stripe. It's not meant to hide any "naughty bits"; it's only purpose is to protect the Captain's secret identity.

David said...

Reminds me of the Benny Hill routine, when someone in the witness protection program was being interviewed -- and they mistakenly had the spotlight intended for the reporter shining instead on the witness --- oops, so much for THAT secret!

Jazzergigi said...

What makes you think that BowlingJoe and David are the only one who read your blog anymore Joe?

Although I think that most of the time the postings are way over my head. It seems that the terms like "farmin'" and "naughty bits" are medical jargon that is meant to confuse most folks.

Captain ILL said...

Oops, I guess Captain ILL is embarrassed after all since Jazzergigi is still a reader.

Don't worry, Captain ILL confuses Joe too, even when he's not being intentionally obtuse.