Thursday, August 21, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Journey Into Now is a book about being spiritually awake. Captain ILL sometimes thinks it would be pretty neat to be spiritually awake. He could show up all his colleagues; he's pretty sure that goober Superman isn't spiritually awake. Unfortunately, he's always very busy thinking about all the injustices that have been perpetrated, and worrying about all the injustices that will be perpetrated. Plus, he kind of likes shooting miscreants with lasers, and he's heard that zen monks and all those guys aren't allowed to shoot miscreants with lasers. To top it off, he thinks he's a pretty swell guy, and when you have an ego so swollen your mind can barely contain it, you don't need anything else. Do you?


David said...

This got me to thinking -- when Superman dies, does he go to a special Super Heaven with other superheroes, or does he have to slum with the regular do-gooders?

Captain ILL said...

Unfortunately, the sad fact is that Superman never dies. Even the well publicized Death of Superman turned out to be a farce. We're stuck with him.