Thursday, September 4, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL is a big fan of wheat. You can find wheat in all kids of delicious things including: bread, cookies, and Twinkies (you'll have to take the Captain's word on that last one). While Captain ILL is very fond of all the delicious things you can make with wheat, he never thought of it as "amazing", and, unfortunately, this book was not able to alter his opinion. Who ever heard of a cookbook with no pictures in it? This book's single picture appears on the cover, and you can see for yourself how bland that is. The Captain recommends skipping The Amazing Wheat Book and picking up something by the inimitable Betty Crocker instead. She, at least, knows the value of a full-page color picture of a mouthwatering treat.


Anonymous said...

Betty Crocker was the first cookbook that I ever owned and was a gift from Bowlingwidow in the early 1980s before we married and she became Bowlingwidow. I still have it and break it out every now and again to make the spaghetti-cheese pie recipe.

Captain, "The Joy of Cooking" is also an essential and versatile cookbook to own despite the fact that there are no pictures in it.

Captain ILL said...

Captain ILL feels that books with only words are like a mind with only thoughts: only form with no substance. Of course pictures are forms as well (well, forms of forms to be precise), but with a picture we can appreciate a form without involving thought, which is much more difficult to do with words.

This is why all of Captain ILL's cookbooks are just pictures of food.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm getting tired and am not thinking with all cylinders. You're starting to sound like Dan Quayle to me.