Thursday, September 11, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL is not too fond of thinking. Too many of the world's problems can be traced to too much thought, especially the evil genius sort. The Captain always says that a well placed boot can solve a problem much more quickly and efficiently than hours and hours of messy, repetitive thinking. Smart Thinking "is a practical, step-by-step guide to improving skills in analysis and critical thinking, and the effective communication of arguments and explanations." What a mouthful! Captain ILL bets that it took a lot of thought to come up with all those big words. Don't read this book! Don't listen to all those rampaging thoughts in your head telling you to check out this book so you can finally be as smart as all your friends. Think less, feel more, and life will reward you.


David said...

Does this mean that somewhere out there is a companion volume called "Dumb Thinking"? I'd guess that one gets checked out more often.

Captain ILL said...

OCLC came up blank with "Dumb Thinking", but this did remind me of Tom Petty's Dumbass song. Check it out

Anonymous said...

Petty looked inspired during that song, and I swear I saw some North Snohomish County landmarks through the tour bus windows.

David, how are ya? I miss hearing from you.


David said...

I've been on the fast track to Committee-ville lately -- September is loaded with meetings.