Monday, September 15, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes
details the adventures of the Great Detective in India and Tibet following his supposed death at Reichenbach Falls. Now Sherlock Holmes was one of the very first superheroes; he couldn't leap tall buildings, but he could bend an iron bar and his deductive abilities are without equal even today. Captain ILL has a great deal of respect for the Great Detective, even though their crimefighting styles are very different. The Captain prefers not to exercise his brain too much ... it gives him headaches. He finds it much easier to get out there and start booting. Very rarely has he booted an innocent person, but one of the advantages of boots over laser beams is that boots are nonlethal, and the booted persons in question are usually very understanding, if a bit bruised. So even though Captain ILL does not advocate the use of brains in the pursuit of justice, he can see how it sometimes might come in handy.

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