Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL once helped Mr. Brain, a not-quite-evil scientist who's only about half mad, build a rocket ship. They needed to get to Mars in a hurry, so they cut lots of corners on the design and construction. For example, there were none of those cool fins on the sides like you usually see on rockets. Also, none of the instrument panels lit up with nifty glowing buttons. Still, it did get them to Mars, where they were able to rescue Miss Marvelous from the clutches of the Bug Eyed Monsters From Mars. They did run into a bit of trouble on the way back when the rocket ship burnt up upon re-entry into Earth's atmosphere. Fortunately, Miss Marvelous and Captain ILL were able to withstand the extreme temperatures (though their costumes did not, but that's another story). Unfortunately Mr. Brain's superpower was his super-intelligence, and not the ability to withstand several thousand degrees of heat, so he won't be able to learn better rocket ship construction from Model Rocket Design and Construction.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Mr. Brain is actually now the director of engineering here at Boeing, so he must have somehow survived the blast.

In any event, he's still cutting corners on designing aircraft.

Captain ILL said...

Bowlingjoe, if your suspicions are correct and this Mr. Brain at Boeing is the same Mr. Brain that supposedly burnt up on re-entry all those years ago, we could all be in incredible danger! Go to the proper authorities and report him immediately. If you feel like he may be on to you, go to his office and subdue him first; you can never be too careful when it comes to somewhat evil half-mad scientists.