Friday, September 26, 2008

A new poll!

Halloween must be nearly here since the stores are already packed with candy, so it's time for a new candy-related poll. It's come to Captain ILL's attention that not everyone out there likes Dots, the gumdrop-like candy made by the Tootsie Roll people. Such an important issue demands a poll so the facts can be laid bare, so weigh in people!

P.S. New information has just been given to Captain ILL that each Dot contains 11.66666666666666666666666666666666666666667 calories.


Captain ILL said...

Thanks for commenting Anastácio, it's always interesting to get visitors from outside our little county here in Washington.

groovelily said...

dots suck. it's true. i googled it.

Captain ILL said...

Thanks to the groovy Googlemistress! Did Google have anything to say about Jujyfruits?

groovelily said...

they not only suck, they make no sense....according to wikipedia....

"The Jujyfruits shapes are Pineapple, Tomato, Raspberry, Grape Bundle, Asparagus, Banana, and Pea Pod. The banana shape is stamped with HEIDE." YET..."Fruity flavors include raspberry, licorice, lime, orange, and lemon."

Why on earth would you make asparagus shaped candy? that doesn't taste like asparagus?