Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL is always looking for new tips and tricks in his pursuit of justice, so when he saw Forbidden Advice: 1,703 Rarely Divulged Secrets To Save Time, Money, and Trouble he had to have quick skim. Unfortunately, there is no section on "crimefighting" or "justice" in the index, though there are entries for "earwax" and "gluteus maximus". In fact, most of the information in this book could be filed under "common sense", though the Captain is well aware of how rare "common sense" actually is. Captain ILL can't recommend this book for crimefighters but if you would like to know how to relieve anxiety with sunflower seeds, you may want to check it out.


David said...

The entrie for 'gluteus maximus' reminded me of a New Yorker cartoon I saw recently: Ancient Roman woman turns to her husband and asks "Does this toga make my gluteus look maximus?"

Captain ILL said...

I actually understand that New Yorker cartoon!

Anonymous said...

David, Captain ILL (despite his disdain for The New Yorker) is actually becoming a fan, ever since I had Bowlingwidow deliver him a couple of New Yorker cartoons that featured superheroes.

Captain ILL said...

I do still treasure those cartoons, but I had to remove them from my cubicle during the "Great Personal Items Purge of August 2008".