Monday, September 22, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the Friday

Baby Matters: What your Doctor May Not Tell You About Caring for Your Baby was written by a chiropractor. Captain ILL isn't sure that this makes any sense, but it is what it is; facts don't have to make sense! The Captain took some time off this past weekend from booting Evil to babysit his niece and nephew while their parents attended some beer festival. Neither of these two little folks is really a baby anymore, though you wouldn't know it from his two-year-old nephew's bathroom habits. He's supposed to be at the stage where he goes into the bathroom by himself now, but apparently he made an exception for Captain ILL. The little guy went through a half dozen pull-ups and three pairs of pants in the 24 hours he spent at the Captain's secret headquarters. Fifteen minutes before his mother arrived to pick him up, he left an extra-special package in his pull-up that the Captain was obliged to clean up. Luckily Captain ILL has special facilities for disposing of hazardous materials that he usually uses for doomsday devices and nuclear waste, but also serves for poopy pull-ups.

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