Monday, December 15, 2008

Baby Blues (ILL of the day)

Captain ILL has never had any children of his own, but, being a superhero and the subject of public adulation, he has had several babies left at his doorstep. While the ILL cave is not really set up for caring for infants (what with all the confiscated death rays and doomsday devices laying around), the Captain is a very caring and nurturing fellow, and he manages to make do with what he has. For example, the hazardous waste disposal system normally used to handle the anti-matter reactor in the ILLmobile can just as easily dispose of soiled diapers. Back in the 70's Captain ILL acquired a surplus cone of silence at a CONTROL rummage sale which comes in pretty darned handy when the little rapscallions throw a temper tantrum. But the handiest gadget of all when dealing with toddlers, is an aging ray confiscated from Professor Pain that can instantly transform a baby into an adult ready to become a contributing member of society. This almost seems like cheating, but it does leave a lot of extra time for booting evil.


Anonymous said...

"Get Smart" was a classic. In fact, I've had the first season on DVD courtesy of Sno-Isle Library for a few weeks now. I recently got an e-mail from Sno-Isle indicating that the item is overdue. I just erased the e-mail and went about my business. I'll get it back to the library when I'm good and ready to.

Captain ILL said...

You're in luck Bowlingjoe, congress has abolished the Library Cops, so you are in very little danger of repercussions.

Anonymous said...

You're lucky there. Here in Nevada we still have the library cops. They just love to charge you money for each and every day that goes by. Having come from Sno-Isle, I am not used to this and so am financing a new wing for the local branch.