When Captain ILL saw this book, he figured it would be the perfect opportunity to get some extra tips on preparing macaroni and cheese for when he has sophisticated guests for dinner. Unfortunately, after a quick skim of the index, he couldn't find any entries for macaroni. The closest they had was "Macadamia nuts - Coconut Macadamia Cake" on page 176. After a thorough perusal of this recipe, the Captain concluded that it would likely be very tasty, but would not make an adequate substitute for macaroni and cheese. Just to cover all the bases, Captain ILL also tried to look up "Weenies" in the index hoping to find the sliced weenies that Bowlingwidow is so fond of. Unfortunately, this book dropped the ball again, with the closest entry being "Whipped cream, wonderful" on page 187. While adding brandy and vanilla to whipped cream does indeed sound wonderful, it's no substitute for sliced weenies, so the Captain cannot recommend this book for elegant entertaining.
Maybe the title should be "Cooking for Company You Don't Like", which would explain the omission of America's Number 1 comfort food. I once served guests something called Big Mongolians, which was a recipe I found in the Seattle Times for an "exotic" variation on a Big Mac. It involved water chestnuts, and it was not well received.
What a timely ILL. Ask BowlingWidow about the dinner I made last night. Honestly, I had no idea that the peppers would be as lively as they were. I thought I did a good job of seeding them.
Peppers are like a box of chocolates, though. You never know what you're gonna get.
That's why you fellows should always have a pantry full of mac and cheese ... you never know when you'll need a quick, delicious meal to replace an experiment gone wrong.
I did in fact prepare mac and cheese for BowlingWidow last night. I used Country Crock brand which would have been mediocre by itself, but adding sharp cheese and weenies made it pretty good.
As a side note, I actually found (by biting into) a small screw in the spicy chile verde leftovers that she put together for me the other day. So far she's denying responsibility.
As a child, Captain ILL's mother used to sprinkle bits of metal into all her cooking to keep us all on our toes as well as discouraging eating too quickly.
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