Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Best American Recipes 2005-2006 (ILL of the day)

Despite his chosen headgear, Captain ILL is not a natural in the kitchen. He does like looking at food though, and can follow a recipe, so he can't resist flipping through recipe books when they cross the ILL desk. The Captain has expressed his derision for cookbooks without pictures many times in the past, so there's no reason to bring up that topic again except that this cookbook doesn't have any pictures! Get with the program! If this book is indeed full of America's best recipes, lets have some pictures to prove it! Recently Captain ILL did his Christmas baking and promptly took pictures of all the cookies. How else could he prove that he had baked them? Certainly not by their presence on Christmas since he will have succumbed to temptation and consumed them all by then. He's already eaten enough of the Crisco sugar cookies to qualify for Cookie Monster's job if the great "C" ever retires. In any case, the cover of this book is certainly enticing, and Captain ILL loves his macaroni and cheese ...


Anonymous said...

BowlingWidow told that me when she was growing up, she existed on a steady diet of nothing but maccaroni and cheese.

I agree that it's great. Especially with Tabasco sauce on it.

Captain ILL said...

Great! When I have you and Bowlingwidow over for dinner, I'll know just what to make. Do you prefer Kraft or Mission? Captain ILL prefers the Safeway brand, but he understands that's an acquired taste.

BowlingWidow said...

Kraft!! All other brands want to be like Kraft but they just don't measure up. Adding sliced hot dogs makes it fancy when you are having guests.

Captain ILL said...

Bowlingwidow seems to have pretty strong opinions about mac and cheese. Anyone else out there want to weigh in?