Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Unfortunately Captain ILL was hit by a freeze ray this morning as he stepped outside for his morning walk. Here you can see him with his fists raised in defiance of whatever evil villain perpetrated this deed. We can only hope that the temperature rises over the freezing point before it's time for the ILL of the day, or worse, before he has to sub for Santa tomorrow night!


IMLOT said...

Wow, your arms are so skinny. You really need to get back to the gym, dude...

Captain ILL said...

Never fear, the skinny arms are a side effect of the freeze ray. If the Captain ever gets thawed out, I'm sure he will be as buff as ever.

Anonymous said...

That's similar to what a doctor once told BowlingJoe about a specific part of his anatomy. I'm still waiting for the proverbial "thawing out" however.

Captain ILL said...

Bowlingjoe is no doubt referring to his eyeballs. His frozen eyeballs are the source of the icy gaze he gives the pins before tossing his bowling ball at them.

Anonymous said...

Yes, of course. Eyeballs. Was there any doubt?