Monday, December 8, 2008

Icy Clutches (ILL of the day)

Of course Captain ILL feels that all villains are despicable scoundrels barely worthy to feel the bottom of his boot as he stomps on them. However, villains with a cold theme are particularly worthy of his contempt. It may not be readily apparent, but the Captain's costume is not insulated, and while his superpowers may protect him from the more deleterious effects of cold like frostbite, he is still very susceptible to goose pimples, and chilly temperatures are quite uncomfortable for him. The last time he battled Doctor Icecube, Captain ILL was frozen inside a solid block of ice for several hours before his eyelids thawed enough for him to use his laser beams to escape. The Captain didn't enjoy being frozen inside a giant ice cube, and he doesn't recommend anyone else try being frozen inside a giant ice cube either. In fact, Captain ILL recommends avoiding ice altogether unless it's floating safely in a cool, refreshing glass of diet Coke.


Anonymous said...

Of course, Joe (not to be confused with Captain ILL) would have substituted the word "yucca" for "diet Coke".

Captain ILL said...

Joe (not to be confused with Captain ILL) actually has many uses for ice, which is one of the reasons he's so fond of his refrigerator with the built-in ice machine.