Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL has never eaten SPAM, but he has lots of it stockpiled in his Secret ILL Hideout in case some disaster prevents him from going to Costco for an extended period of time. He also has something called a "SPAM filter" in his computer somewhere, but he doesn't understand why he needs it because none of the slots or holes in his computer are big enough for a can of SPAM to fit through. For that matter, none of the tubes that the internets uses to get into his computer are big enough either. In any case, SPAM: The Cookbook is pretty much what you'd expect: a book packed with lots of recipes involving SPAM. For those of you who don't know what SPAM is, it's a pinkish substance that resembles a pencil eraser that can be consumed when your need is great and your standards are low. On the back cover is a SPAM endorsement from Nikita Kruschev: "Without SPAM, we wouldn't have been able to feed our army." No doubt this is how communists came to be called "pinkos".


Anonymous said...

If it's good enough for Monty Python, it's good enough for me!(I'll have the spam bacon sausage and spam, please)

Anonymous said...

Muffinheadedboy, Muffinheadedboy'sgirlfriend, and I were just talking about Spam last night. I lived in Hawaii for a year when I was 14 and Spam was one of the bright spots that year (which makes sense given the experience of going to a public high school over there).

I'd still eat fried Spam but Bowlingwidow refuses to let it see the light of day in our pantry.

Captain ILL is stockpiling food? I never would have guessed he's LDS in a million years.

Captain ILL said...

LDS? Latter Day Saint? Captain ILL is practically a saint, but not the latter day sort. In any case, he doesn't stockpile any food, just SPAM.

Dawn said...

When I lived in England, I once witnessed a tour guide nearly moved to tears remembering the Day America Brought Spam over. It is shocking how important Spam is to some folks.