Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Captain ILL suffers from a terrible allergy to cats, and today's ILL of the day makes him glad he doesn't own one. Shadow of the Vampuss is a re-telling of Dracula with all the characters replaced by cats. From the back cover: "Intrigue, bloodlust and High Victorian melodrama played out with a cast of glorious cats. Not recommended for under-age kittens!" This lavishly illustrated book is best read during daylight hours with a crucifix close at hand; the images of Count Scratchula are truly bloodcurdling. Anyone wondering how a cat could possibly contract vampirism should also check out You Suck - A Love Story by Christopher Moore.


thisandthat said...

Sorry to hear about your cat allergy, Captain. Is this similar to Superman's aversion to kryptonite? I'm not sure precisely what your super powers are, but judging from the uniform, they must be pretty amazing. Or maybe it's just your uncanny ability to spot these literary gems.

cardboard queen said...

Wow, I unpacked this gem and I didn't even notice the catchy title. Whenever anyone mentions vampires, I think of a movie titled 'Revenge of the Killer Bikini Vampire Girls' that I heard about once. I've often wondered if it's a real movie.
Anyway, wouldn't this story be more interesting if the animal choice had been more of a stretch? Let's face it, cats already look and act like vampires. Now, if the choice had been penguins with a moose or two thrown in, we'd have a winner.

Captain ILL said...

Yes, all great superheroes must have a weakness, and Captain ILL has his cat allergy, and yes, the Captain's powers are pretty amazing.

Captain ILL said...

Here you go cardboard queen: "The Penguin Book of Vampire Stories"

Anonymous said...

Love "You Suck". They shaved the cat in that one, as I recall. Perhaps that's the key to your cat allergy? --Troisabeilles