Thursday, April 17, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

Today's ILL of the day is a blast from Captain ILL's past. The Big Jump and Other Stories is a book that Captain ILL remembers reading way back when he was a mere Corporal ILL. It's hard to believe that Captain ILL was young once, but it's books like this that made him into the great man he is today. The story takes place way back in the olden days when only kings were allowed to have dogs as pets. This is the real stuff ! The hero of the story, with the help of a cute little puppy, finds a loophole in this ridiculous law and gets a dog of his own by jumping to the very top of the king's palace. If anyone out there wants a cute little doggie of their very own, they only have to jump over to the collection development blog where there are still a few puppies left in the Great Collection Development Puppy Giveaway.


cardboard queen said...

This is a cute little book...even if someone tore one of the pages half off and it's printed with only three colors (which, by the way, makes me want to run and get my colored pencils). I haven't read this gem, but from what the Captain related, I am wondering if the reason why we have so many extra pets hanging around now is because kings in the olden days were not very responsible with the whole spay and neuter thing.

thisandthat said...

Dear Captain, it's come to my attention that you need to appoint a deputy Captain who can report for you when you are not here. I'm so addicted to my daily dose of "ILL of the day" that I could hardly function on Friday. I'm sure you were off somewhere doing amazing Captain ILL things, but please remember your readers need you.